Detective Stacy Ferris

Super Storm Sandy ravaged our small town of Mantoloking, we returned on October 31st to find that we had lost our Police department and everything in it. Normally, when people are in trouble they call the police department. Who does the Police department call when they are need? Easy Nadler Modular Structures, Steven Mueller and Donna were fantastic. Donna answered the phone and gave us hope. Your company was able to listen to our needs and immediately offer suggestions. Within days of contacting Nadler, a plan was in place for our new home. Now where there was nothing there is a 24×60 deluxe trailer that we are proud to call home.

Our officers who have been working and eating out of their patrol cars now have a locker room, a desk and a warm place to take a needed rest. The Mantoloking Police Department and the Borough of Mantoloking cannot thank the team at Nadler enough for their quick response during, and for working around our limitation in getting paperwork back and forth. As we settle in I promise to send pictures.

Thank You